Why was the diplomatic problem solved by Obama for decades?

                  * source : * The author : admin * Published time : 2015-08-19 * browse : 124
                    This summer is the season for Obama diplomacy. First, reconciliation and resettlement with the old enemy, Cuba, defused the most difficult problem of American diplomacy in half a century. A comprehensive agreement to promote the Iranian nuclear issue has become a model for diplomatic efforts to solve complex international hot-spot issues.

                    This summer is the season for Obama diplomacy. First, reconciliation and resettlement with the old enemy, Cuba, defused the most difficult problem of American diplomacy in half a century. A comprehensive agreement to promote the Iranian nuclear issue has become a model for diplomatic efforts to solve complex international hot-spot issues.

                    Both Cuba and Iran have a long history of problems that date back decades, when several presidents in the United States wanted to do something about the two issues, but none of them worked. And why did it happen during Obama's tenure? There are three main reasons.

                    First, the balance of power of the international landscape has brought urgency to the problem brought by the parties concerned. The United States has become increasingly aware of the difficulty of maintaining global leadership, and in turning to more of the smart power, the legitimacy of its own actions and the international appeal, and the search for multilateralism. While Cuba and Iran have abundant resources, they have been slow in economic development due to foreign policy reasons. It should be said that the situation is changing and the parties are more aware of what they really want.

                    The second is the Obama administration's pragmatic approach to diplomacy. As President Obama took office, he inherited a badly damaged U.S. foreign policy. Mr Obama knows that his predecessor's hard-line, military priorities have put American diplomacy in a passive position, and the excessive use of force has weakened America's global image and leadership. Therefore, the key words of foreign policy in its first term are "withdrawal", withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, and moderate strategic contraction. The key word for foreign policy in the second term should be "talk", which should be negotiated first and avoid direct military intervention, especially on ground troops, which is evident on the Syrian issue. Although criticized as weak, this has resulted in the settlement of two issues, Cuba and Iran. < / div >

                    Three is Mr Obama's personal element. Obama was born at grass roots, and his childhood's ups and downs had a subtle influence on his later character. He was cautious, but not decisive, and his execution was slightly inadequate. And his political career is less than that of his predecessors, George h.w. bush, Bill Clinton, George w. bush, and other top federal officials, as lawyers and senators. It was his weakness, but in a way it was his strength: it was safe to listen, tolerate and disagree. In foreign policy, he avoided the use of force and emphasized the importance of negotiations.

                    In addition, one of the most pressing reality is, in the face of the republicans control both houses of congress, Mr Obama realized that hard to do something on the interior, to seek a breakthrough in the realm of foreign affairs, think oneself political legacy.

                    In a word, it takes two to tango. Mr Rouhani and Mr Castro are also under internal pressure. After all, the people's eating problem is the most real demand, and their ideas coincide with Mr Obama's.

                    On the issue of diplomatic relations with Cuba and the nuclear deal with Iran, Obama has received strong external help. It seems that the solution to both problems comes from the right time and place. Don't know the rest of the of the current "rival" -- whether north Korea and Russia's leaders can be touched, after all, the current President barack Obama seems to be the leaders of the "best" in American history.